ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

Территория спорта и здоровья

The specifics of physical training of male students to pass the Ready for Labor and Defense Standard in the section “kettlebell jerk” in educational institutions of higher education

Physical fitness is an important component of the lives of students, especially men, and plays a key role in achieving academic success and beyond. Within the framework of higher educational institutions, special attention is paid to passing the Ready for Labor and Defense Standards, one of the main sections of which is the “kettlebell jerk”, which requires students to show strength, coordination and endurance.

The influence of physical exercises on the preparation of students for sports ballroom dancing

Sports ballroom dancing is a group of paired dances that are divided into two directions, “Latin” and standard, and, as a rule, were performed at balls held in large rooms covered with parquet. Dances are divided into elite (historikohousehold) and folk, characterized by several differences. Ballroom dances are paired, a man and a woman form a couple, as well as two women (“lady and lady”) and two men (“man and man”). In addition to doubles, there are single competitions “Solo Ladies”, where ladies perform dances without a partner.

Organization of students’ physical activity with the use of information and communication technologies

The article examines effectiveness of organizing independent physical exercises for university students in a remote mode using a special mobile application. To achieve the purpose of the study, a pedagogical experiment was conducted with the participation of the second-year students of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin. 80 students (40 men and 40 women) took part in this experiment, of which 2 experimental and 2 control groups were formed.

Организация двигательной активности студентов с использованием информационно-коммуникационных технологий

В статье рассматривается эффективность организации самостоятельных занятий физическими упражнениями студентов вуза в дистанционном режиме с использованием специального мобильного приложения. Для достижения цели исследования был проведен педагогический эксперимент с участием обучающихся второго курса Кубанского государственного аграрного университета имени И.Т. Трубилина. В данном эксперименте приняли участие 80 обучающихся (40 юношей и 40 девушек), из которых были сформированы 2 экспериментальные и 2 контрольные группы.

Improving the strength of university students as a means of improving the test results for fulfilling the requirements of the Ready for Labor and Defense Standard

This article describes importance of developing strength as one of the physical qualities evaluated in the All-Russian physical education and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”. The analysis of the results of the conducted research on improving strength is also presented. The study involved first-year students of Vyatka State University.

Functional state and physical development of students as a fundamental factor of the success of learning at the higher education institution

Health and physical condition determine the success of students’ social self-development and professional selfrealization. The purpose of the study was to assess the health according to the physical development characteristics and functional condition of the first-year male students of Volgograd State University (n = 79). The results of measurements of students conducted under the guidance of a teacher and recorded in workbooks on physical education were analyzed. The data obtained were processed using mathematical statistics methods.

Methodology of training sessions on strength fitness in elective physical education classes

The article describes the original teaching methodology for the elective course “Strength Fitness” at the Presidential Academy. It has been determined that in the educational process it is desirable to teach students squats with a barbell on their shoulders, bench press on a horizontal bench, and deadlifts. The educational process during the semester has a 3-stage sequence of content of training sessions with students in the gym, i.e. preparatory, teaching, evaluating.

Developing flexibility of female variety dance students

The use of the developed complex of static exercises of a stretching nature using expanders made it possible to increase the flexibility indicators of female students engaged in variety dances. The complex of static exercises of a stretching nature using band and ring expanders included 4 blocks of static exercises for the development of mobility of the shoulder girdle, spinal column, hip and ankle joints. All exercises were performed slowly and with certain retention for a while, which contributed to the safe execution of the complex.

On physical education of students with disabilities

The analysis of the textbooks published in recent years and devoted to the improvement of the physical education of students with disabilities (health limitations) shows that all the authors point out negative trends in the health of students in most universities of the country, while the number of first-year students with disabilities and those disabled since childhood increases annually, many of them having the pathology of two or more systems simultaneously.


В работе представлено пояснение о том, что такое закаливание организма. Какие существуют средства, принципы и методы закаливания человеческого организма. Я решила написать статью на эту тему, так как важно научить людей правильно закаляться, дабы не навредить своему здоровью.
