ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

Территория спорта и здоровья

Special aspects of the beginning of competitive activity of adult amateur rhythmic gymnasts

The authors studied main peculiarities of rhythmic gymnastics for adult amateurs: the reasons of appearance, the age of athletes, types of organisations, offering rhythmic gymnastics classes for this population group, and peculiarities of competitions. Relevance of the research is explained by the following circumstances. Thanks to the development of amateur rhythmic gymnastics, indicators of the physical culture and sports development in the Russian Federation may improve.

The state of implementation of the “Gymnastics” section of the physical education program for the of students of 1–11th grades

The state of health and the level of physical fitness of children are the parts of a serious problem that needs to be solved by teachers of physical education as well, but under modern conditions, this is not always possible. This studyis devoted to the identification of problems related to the above-mentioned issue, in which 78 respondents – teachers ofphysical culture from 52 secondary schools – took part.

The role of special technical devices at the stage of initial training of bobsledders

Bobsleigh is a sport where athletes drive a bob sports equipment along the chute of an ice track. The federal standard for the training of bobsledders does not provide for a training process at the stage of initial training for controlling this sports equipment, but at the stage of specialization it requires piloting skills. The ability to pilot a sports equipment involves an integrated approach to the training process of bobsledders, starting acceleration, landing in a sports equipment, control of the projectile along the chute of the ice track.

Развитие выносливости младших школьников на уроках по физической культуре

В настоящей статье автором рассматриваются особенности развития выносливости младших школьников на уроках по физической культуре. Автором приводится комплекс упражнение, наиболее подходящий для развития выносливости именно младшего школьного возраста.

Physical education in E-learning

Forming the need for a healthy lifestyle, the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of physical culture and sports are an urgent pedagogical problem in the transition from the “classical” forms of organization of the educational process to E-learning. The solution of this problem by means of well-known programming languages is impossible due to the insufficient descriptive potential of the latter, in particular, the lack of the possibility of representing human knowledge, probable or possible future events, actions, results.

Gene expression as an indicator of long-term adaptation to physical activity

In order to achieve a high result in the course of sports training, the athlete’s body needs to constantly adapt to larger and larger training loads. Such trainings cause constant changes in the composition and properties of the biological system of the body. The relevance of the study is due to the need to use genetic testing both in sports selection and in sports training of athletes of different disciplines. The purpose of the study is to determine the genotypes that are associated with an increase in the performance and health of an athlete.

About the personal approach in physical education of students

In recent scientific publications on improving the students’ physical education learning process, many authors point to the need for a personal approach to each student, but the technology of such an approach are not described. The research conducted at the Department of Physical Education and Health of Ryazan State Medical University has shown that the methodological basis of the personality-oriented educational process of physical education of students is a systematic approach. The approach offered by P. K.

Features of the development of student sports in Moscow and abroad

The relevance of the study is due to the level of attention of the state and the public to the development of student sports, its growing role in the socialization of students. The purpose of the study is to determine approaches and identify features of the development of university sports on the example of the city of Moscow.

Комплексная реабилитация женщин 35-50 лет с остеохондрозом пояснично-крестцового отдела в условиях санаторно-курортного лечения.

Остеохондроз позвоночника - одно из самых распространенных хронических заболеваний человека, поражающее людей трудоспособного возраста. Трудно найти человека, который не испытывает боли в пояснице после сидения в неудобной позе, физического напряжения, переохлаждения, длительного пребывания в положении сидя или стоя. Цель работы – научно обосновать, разработать и проверить эффективность комплексной методики физической реабилитации женщин 35-50 лет с пояснично-крестцовым остеохондрозом позвоночника в рамках санаторно-курортного лечения.

Методы воспитания выносливости

Выносливость является одним из важнейших свойств человека, оказывающих влияние на эффективность любой его деятельности. Соответственно от уровня выносливости зависит не только способность качественно выполнять заданный комплекс упражнений в области физической культуры, но и способность выполнять задачи в повседневной жизни и профессиональной сфере, а значит и общий уровень жизни человека. В данной статье рассмотрено понятие выносливости, определены основные ее виды и выявлены наиболее действенные методы воспитания общей и специальной выносливости человека.
