ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)


Improving physical fitness of female students by means of health-saving techniques

Relevance of the research lies in the search for optimal methods to improve the components of preparedness against the background of poor health of modern students. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of healthsaving practices on the indicators of physical fitness of female students. A group of female students majoring in economics was observed during the period from 2021 to 2024. The students were classified by health status to the main medical group.

Using autogenous training as a health-saving technology for students

The article reveals factors leading to the deterioration of students’ health, examines the impact of health-saving technologies, and also provides a study of the effect of autogenic training on health and stress. Distribution of indicators of the health index of students of medical groups for the period of 2021–2023 is considered. Analysis of the study showed that the indicator M₁ (medical group – 1) tends to increase by 0.98 times. The M₂ indicator is 0.89 times, and the M₃ indicator is 0.61 times.

Sports in Udmurt State Agrarian University (using the example of participation in various competitions from 1954 to 2024)

Udmurt State Agrarian University (UdGAU) is one of the modern specialized educational institutions in Russia. This university is an educational, scientific and sports center for training agricultural specialists. Since the establishment of the university, the Department of Physical Education has also been established, which employed few specialists invited from other cities of Russia. Enthusiastic teachers searched for talented student-athletes, and various sports events were held.

Formation of strength abilities in students of agricultural university

Strength training at student age has a beneficial effect on physical condition and health and has its maximum impact at the end of puberty at the age of 16–22.

Development of strength abilities in university students

Effectiveness of the influence of plyometric exercises on the strength abilities of female students involved in physical education at the university has been shown. The types of strength abilities and factors influencing their development are presented.

Organization of students’ physical activity with the use of information and communication technologies

The article examines effectiveness of organizing independent physical exercises for university students in a remote mode using a special mobile application. To achieve the purpose of the study, a pedagogical experiment was conducted with the participation of the second-year students of the Kuban State Agrarian University named after I. T. Trubilin. 80 students (40 men and 40 women) took part in this experiment, of which 2 experimental and 2 control groups were formed.

Improving the strength of university students as a means of improving the test results for fulfilling the requirements of the Ready for Labor and Defense Standard

This article describes importance of developing strength as one of the physical qualities evaluated in the All-Russian physical education and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”. The analysis of the results of the conducted research on improving strength is also presented. The study involved first-year students of Vyatka State University.

The use of innovative technologies in table tennis and their impact on the training of student-athletes

The introduction of innovative approaches in the last decade has taken on a new form and character. Analyzing various methods of innovative development in sports and its impact on sports results, as a factor that improves the effectiveness of the educational and training process in the preparation of athletes of various qualifications and their physical fitness, it can be confidently noted that it is necessary to choose the right innovative path of development in health-saving technologies.

Representation of physical education and student sports in university research studies

Analysis of topics of scientific research works conducted in educational institutions of higher education and dissertation research on the issues of physical education of students and student sports was carried out. Systematization of research topics for 2014–2022 was done. It has been established that the vast majority of studies are devoted to physical education. The most common areas are the development of training programs for professionally applied physical training and using means of various sports and physical activity.

Trends and potential for the development of technological sports in student environment

The development of modern technologies leads to transformation of all the spheres of society, including sports. One of the key trends of recent years is emergence and fast spread of high-tech (innovative) sports, where digital technologies are embedded directly into the process of competition, such as phygital (combined functional and digital) sport, drone (unmanned aircraft) racing, sports programming and others. These sports are now bringing together people of different ages and interests.
