ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

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Kolodkin A. S., Batukhtina A. O., Grutsyna I. I., Shikhova U. Y. Improving the strength of university students as a means of improving the test results for fulfilling the requirements of the Ready for Labor and Defense Standard. Physical Education and University Sport, 2024, vol. 3, iss. 2, pp. 197-202. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2024-3-2-197-202, EDN: CDOBIU

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Improving the strength of university students as a means of improving the test results for fulfilling the requirements of the Ready for Labor and Defense Standard

Kolodkin Alexey S., Vyatka State University
Batukhtina Anna O., Vyatka State University
Grutsyna Irina I., Vyatka State University
Shikhova Ulyana Yu., Vyatka State University

This article describes importance of developing strength as one of the physical qualities evaluated in the All-Russian physical education and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”. The analysis of the results of the conducted research on improving strength is also presented. The study involved first-year students of Vyatka State University. They completed the required exercises of the standard “Ready for Labor and Defense”, which allowed us to assess the students’ strength: pulling up from the vise on a high crossbar, pulling a 16 kg kettlebell, bending and unbending their arms while lying on the floor. Then the students improved their strength abilities using the developed technique for six months, after which they re-took the same physical training standard tests. Further, the results obtained before the experiment and after the experiment were compared. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the presented technique aimed at improving strength and strength abilities, used in physical education classes for the first-year students, contributed to a more successful completion of the standard requirement of the complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”. The following research methods were used: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, comparison, statistical method, generalization.

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