For citation:
Proshlyakov V. D., Ponomareva G. V., Kotova G. V., Levina E. A. On prevention of myopia progression for students in physical education classes. Physical Education and University Sport, 2023, vol. 2, iss. 3, pp. 282-286. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2023-2-3-282-286, EDN: EAUZFR
On prevention of myopia progression for students in physical education classes
The article is devoted to the analysis of frequency of such a deviation in the state of health among students as myopia, which develops more often in young people with a large visual load and poor physical development. Based on the available literature data, the results of the previous studies and many years of personal practical experience, the authors believe that in the conditions of the university, the most accessible and really effective way to prevent the onset and progression of myopia is to convince all students of the need to regularly perform long running loads of low intensity. Long running increases not only the level of physical performance, but also strengthens all the connective tissue formations of the body, which include the eye.
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