ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

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Kovalev V. N., Bulgakova O. V. Comparative analysis of indicators of physical development and physical fitness of university students of various educational physical culture groups during the СOVID-19 pandemic. Physical Education and University Sport, 2023, vol. 2, iss. 1, pp. 20-27. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2023-2-1-20-27, EDN: APHXSO

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Comparative analysis of indicators of physical development and physical fitness of university students of various educational physical culture groups during the СOVID-19 pandemic

Kovalev Viktor N., Siberian Federal University
Bulgakova Olga V., Siberian Federal University

The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis of some indicators of physical development and physical fitness of university students of various physical education groups before and after the restrictions of COVID-19. The article presents the experience of monitoring the physical development of higher school students by the Laboratory of Sports
and Tourism (LS&T) of the Institute of Physical Culture of Sports and Tourism (IFKSiT) of the Siberian Federal University (SFU).The indicators of physical development and physical fitness of students of 1–3 courses, boys and girls aged 17–22 years of physical education groups: aerobics, basketball and special medical group (SMG) of various institutes of SFU are
represented, the analysis shows that these indicators in the groups under study during the predominance of distance learning are insignificantly reduced. The most reduced indicator is the relative strength indicator. The lowest indicators of physical development and physical fitness for all the considered parameters are characteristic of SMG students. The least
reduced indicators of physical development and physical fitness were characteristic of the representatives of the aerobics groups, while the flexibility indicator was improved. The current unfavorable epidemiological situation has confirmed the need for the development of various systems for monitoring indicators of physical and functional conditions, physical development, health and physical fitness for higher education, both in the context of the implementation of the subject of physical culture in the educational process and correction of developmental influences during classes, and in the formation of a health-preserving environment of educational institutions.

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