ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

Спорт и общество

Mediation service at the Student Sports Club

Educational work in student sports is aimed at developing students’ competencies of personal and collective responsibility for the quality of self-realization in life. Integration of standards of professional, educational and sports activities in terms of goal setting ensures the achievement of personal results of participants of student sports clubs. The protection of the rights of student-athletes in the mediation (reconciliation) service implements educational and regulatory functions and justifies its necessity.

Features of the development of sports volunteerism in Russia

The promotion of the development and dissemination of volunteerism is one of the priorities of the social and youth policy of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to determine the features of the development of sports volunteerism in Russia, to identify current problems and measures to eliminate them for the sustainable development of sports volunteerism in the subjects of the Russian Federation.


Авторами были рассмотрены основные особенности художественной гимнастики для взрослых-любителей: причины появления данного направления художественной гимнастики, возраст спортсменок, виды организаций, осуществляющих подготовку данного контингента, особенности соревнований.

Геймификация тренировочного процесса, как стимул повышение вовлеченности молодежи в спортивную деятельность

В статье изложены возможности применения геймификации, как стимула развития вовлеченности молодежи в спортивную деятельность. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы в качестве рекомендательной базы к формированию современных тренировочных программ. Целью данного исследования является изучение внедрения элементов геймификации в тренировочный процесс с целью увеличения доли подростков, вовлеченных в занятия спортом.

Sports and recreational activity of students: Behavioral and biological factors

Relevance of the study is due to the spread of sports and recreational activities among young people and due to the necessity to assess the effectiveness of the independent use of physical education and sports by the youth in their free time.

Current issues in human resources development of the subjects of the student sports system

The article is devoted to the current problems of the human resources development of the subjects of the student sports system. The issues under consideration are reflected in the Concept of the student sports development in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 and in the Intersectoral Programmeme of the student sports development.

Sport as a sphere of constructing young people’s life strategies in Russian society

The article is devoted to the analysis of sport as a sphere of constructing the youth’s life strategies. The following interrelated issues are considered: the function of sport in modern society; the role of sport in socialization and integration of young people; general trends in the development of sports in Russia; conditions for the construction of young people’s life strategies in Russian sport.
