For citation:
Pashchenko L. G., Matyunina N. V. Sports and recreational activity of students: Behavioral and biological factors. Physical Education and University Sport, 2022, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 30-39. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2022-1-1-30-39, EDN: ZQJBV
Sports and recreational activity of students: Behavioral and biological factors
Relevance of the study is due to the spread of sports and recreational activities among young people and due to the necessity to assess the effectiveness of the independent use of physical education and sports by the youth in their free time. The purpose of the study is to conduct a comparative analysis of physical condition indicators and behavioral factors that determine the physical activity of young men and women studying at a university, who are involved in sports and recreational activities (carried out independently or under the supervision of specialists in a fitness center), of their peers doing sports in sports schools, as well as of those students who use physical education and sports only within the framework of the discipline “Elective courses in physical education and sports”. Hypothesis: we assume that students involved in sports and recreational activities have more optimal indicators of their physical condition, than those peers who do not use sports in their free time. We believe that students independently engaged in physical activity during leisure time have experience in organized sports under the guidance of a coach and are potential participants of sports public events organized during extracurricular time at the university. The study involved 230 students of the 1st–4th years (97 females and 133 males) of Nizhnevartovsk State University. The authors used such research methods as the study of heart rate variability, questionnaires, and methods of mathematical statistics. The study revealed an increase in the number of young people involved in sports and recreational activities. It is established that the physical condition of students who independently use means of physical education and sports during extracurricular time is characterized by a more intense functioning of the regulatory systems of the body, compared with their peers who study at leisure under the supervision of specialists. The majority of people independently engaged in physical activity in their free time have no experience of organized sports in the past. It was found out that physical education and sports preferences for extracurricular activities among Russian young men and women do not differ from the choice of types of physical activity of foreign peers and correlate with indicators of their unwillingness to take part in mass competitions. The obtained results point to the importance of pedagogical support of sports and recreational activities of students doing sports independently.
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