ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

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Vodolazhskaya M. G., Vodolazhsky H. I., Smyshnov K. M. Educational technology of a healthy worldview formation and life potential development. Physical Education and University Sport, 2023, vol. 2, iss. 3, pp. 221-231. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2023-2-3-221-231, EDN: XBKQOK

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Educational technology of a healthy worldview formation and life potential development

Vodolazhskaya Margarita G., North-Caucasus Federal University
Vodolazhsky Herman I., North-Caucasus Federal University
Smyshnov Konstantin M., North-Caucasus Federal University

The purpose of the review article is to provide the methodological component of pedagogical and psychological disciplines, including physical education, with a specific model of activity, as well as the opportunity to implement a new educational technology as a separate discipline of advanced training courses or retraining programs. The pedagogical components that systematically reflect the essence of educational technology are presented: the goals and content of training, means and methods of pedagogical interaction, learning tools, stages of technology implementation. The main method underlying the described technology is a conversation (with a subsequent semantic system-specific analysis of the products of students’ learning activities with an emphasis on the content aspect of learning). Mastering by students, undergraduates, postgraduates, students of advanced training courses or retraining courses involves further extended and in-depth study of each analyzed section, creative development of certification tasks for students, tasks for independent work, tests. The study solved the following tasks: 1) the didactic substantiation of the concepts of “healthy worldview”, “life potential” is given; 2) an algorithm for organizing the educational process has been developed. The meaning and content of a healthy deep worldview formed with the help of transdisciplinary educational technology, which multiplies life potential every second, includes, in addition to the didactic component, an obligatory and closely related educational component: the unconditional priority of love in the subconscious over any aggressive character traits and over any other components of a person’s personality. With this ratio, the volume of vital energy is sufficient for a full life, for development, for future childbearing function, for the normal spiritual, moral, mental and physical development of the child at all stages of its ontogenesis, including the realization of the subsequent childbearing function of offspring from generation to generation. This is how the information-diagnosing (measuring the level of development of life potential), organizational-developmental, activity- heuristic (discovery, science) and spiritual-moral-humanitarian components of the mastered technology are implemented. The successful implementation and long-term development of the technology will be facilitated by medical, psychological and pedagogical collaboration in the field of education.

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