ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)


Sports engineering: From training specialists to creating intelligent systems

The sports technology industry is currently experiencing rapid growth, driven by an increasing focus on fan engagement and satisfaction in stadiums, the desire to improve player and team performance, and the widespread adoption of eSports innovations. This, in turn, predetermined the emergence of a new field of knowledge – sports engineering, which bridges the gap between sports science and engineering developments.

Human resources potential development of educational departments of physical culture and sports

The article is devoted to current problems of human resources potential development of educational departments of physical culture and sports in higher educational institutions, reflected in the Strategy for Physical Culture and Sports Development in the Russian Federation until 2030 and in the Concept for the Student Sport Development in the Russian Federation until 2025.

Educational technology of a healthy worldview formation and life potential development

The purpose of the review article is to provide the methodological component of pedagogical and psychological disciplines, including physical education, with a specific model of activity, as well as the opportunity to implement a new educational technology as a separate discipline of advanced training courses or retraining programs.