ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

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Dubatovkin V. I. The use of innovative technologies in table tennis and their impact on the training of student-athletes. Physical Education and University Sport, 2024, vol. 3, iss. 2, pp. 165-169. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2024-3-2-165-169, EDN: PKEVZP

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The use of innovative technologies in table tennis and their impact on the training of student-athletes

Dubatovkin Vladislav I., National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”

The introduction of innovative approaches in the last decade has taken on a new form and character. Analyzing various methods of innovative development in sports and its impact on sports results, as a factor that improves the effectiveness of the educational and training process in the preparation of athletes of various qualifications and their physical fitness, it can be confidently noted that it is necessary to choose the right innovative path of development in health-saving technologies. Introduction of innovations in table tennis as one of the areas of innovation, through the use of new materials for the manufacture of playing and training uniforms, equipment, floor coverings in halls and the use of various robots in the educational and training process leads to an increase in students’ athletic skills and an improvement in the effectiveness of the training process.

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