ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

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Shakhov A. A. The source study aspect of studying the biography of the first Russian Olympic medalist, head of the Department of Physical Education of the Military Medical Academy A. P. Petrov. Physical Education and University Sport, 2023, vol. 2, iss. 3, pp. 246-253. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2023-2-3-246-253, EDN: ZJHRDS

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The source study aspect of studying the biography of the first Russian Olympic medalist, head of the Department of Physical Education of the Military Medical Academy A. P. Petrov

Shakhov Artem A., Yelets State University

Alexander Petrovich Petrov made a huge contribution to the development of wrestling and the Olympic movement, he became the first Russian to win an Olympic medal. In 1908 A. P. Petrov became a silver medalist at the IV Olympic Games (London) in French wrestling competitions. A. P. Petrov was at the origin of the creation of the concept of domestic physical education of students. He did a lot as a theorist and practitioner in the field of professional physical culture and sports education, working at the leading universities of the country – the State Pedagogical Institute named after A. I. Herzen and the Institute of Physical Education named after P. F. Lesgaft. He was engaged in the development of student sports, headed the Department of Physical Education of the Military Medical Academy. At the same time, the personality of A. P. Petrov and his contribution to the declared directions of physical education and sports are poorly studied and underestimated. Studying the biography of A. P. Petrov is important from the historical, pedagogical and local history sides, his name needs to be perpetuated and promoted. The new and available in scientific circulation information sources about the life of A. P. Petrov are analyzed, further directions of research of his personality are outlined. Research methods are analysis of scientific publications, periodicals, memoirs, archival materials, photographic documents, epistolary activity with experts, search method. Publications and other sources devoted to the facets of the personality of A. P. Petrov – sports, scientific, pedagogical, medical, forensic, stage, managerial, etc – were found and analyzed. It was proved that A. P. Petrov was the first Russian Olympic medalist. Previously unused sources have been introduced into scientific circulation, the burial place of A. P. Petrov was found. It is shown that A. P. Petrov was a very hardworking person, devoted to his chosen path, respected among his colleagues. The directions of further research of the personality of A. P. Petrov are outlined.

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