ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)


The influence of flexibility on the formation of basic taekwondo techniques in children aged 10–12 years

In the practice of preparing athletes for high-level competitions, special physical training is of great importance, namely the application of a variety of means and methods that are used in practice by high-level athletes in training before the competition.

International youth exchanges in the field of mass sports: Potential and prospects

The article provides a brief overview of key normative legal acts, actors and mechanisms for the implementation of international youth cooperation in the Russian Federation including in the field of mass sports. The existing experience in organizing youth exchanges in the field of mass sports and the possibility of its replication in modern political conditions is analyzed. In conclusion, recommendations are given for the further development of youth exchanges in the field of mass sports.

History of student sports development at Donetsk National Technical University

The article is devoted to the history of the emergence and development of student sports at Donetsk National Technical University. The work is based on archival materials of the sports club of Donetsk National Technical University and reflects the events of 1921–2023.

Outdoor games as a component of cultivation students-wrestlers’ physical qualities

Martial arts classes offer the involvement of students in the pedagogical process aimed at mastering knowledge, skills and abilities, the development of model characteristics reflecting the properties and the athlete’s level of readiness, and allowing to achieve the best results. Model characteristics are based on the most significant in training of wrestlers goals and targets that reflect the sportsmen’s objective level, a logically correct theory of sports training, methods of teaching techniques at different stages of training athletes.

The source study aspect of studying the biography of the first Russian Olympic medalist, head of the Department of Physical Education of the Military Medical Academy A. P. Petrov

Alexander Petrovich Petrov made a huge contribution to the development of wrestling and the Olympic movement, he became the first Russian to win an Olympic medal. In 1908 A. P. Petrov became a silver medalist at the IV Olympic Games (London) in French wrestling competitions. A. P. Petrov was at the origin of the creation of the concept of domestic physical education of students.

Attitude to the problem of doping in the sports community

The relevance of the study is related to the problem of the use of doping to improve athletic performance in sports and the issues of combating doping in the focus of modern public attention. The aim of the work was to study the awareness of athletes and the staff working with them in matters of doping and doping violations, as well as to identify the shortcomings of anti-doping educational work among various categories and groups of the population.

Strategic management of sport types development in the student environment

At the moment, the importance of strategic management issues in sports federations and student sports leagues is increasing for they contribute to the development of sports among students and participate in the implementation of the Intersectoral Student Sports Development Programme up to 2024. The current practice of creating programmes of various sports development should be improved in terms of student sports.

Sport as a sphere of constructing young people’s life strategies in Russian society

The article is devoted to the analysis of sport as a sphere of constructing the youth’s life strategies. The following interrelated issues are considered: the function of sport in modern society; the role of sport in socialization and integration of young people; general trends in the development of sports in Russia; conditions for the construction of young people’s life strategies in Russian sport.