ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

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Brilenok N. B., Pavlenkovich S. S. Physical fitness of the players of the university football team at different stages of the competitive season. Physical Education and University Sport, 2022, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 89-97. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2022-1-1-89-97, EDN: RKPNM

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Physical fitness of the players of the university football team at different stages of the competitive season

Brilenok Nailya B., National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”
Pavlenkovich Svetlana S., Saratov State University

The article presents a comparative analysis of indicators of physical and functional readiness of football students with different levels of physical health at the beginning and at the end of the competitive season. The respondents were the football players of Saratov State University team, which is a member of the premier group of the National Student Football League. The sample size consisted of 35 football students aged between 18 and 25 years. The standard of health was determined by using express methods of V. I. Belov and R. M. Bayevsky. The functional readiness of the body was studied in terms of the parameters of the cardiovascular system. Physical fitness was assessed on the basis of a set of standard movement tests. 2 groups of student-athletes with medium and high standards of health were identified. It has been established that the majority of football players are characterized by a high standard of health, a satisfactory adaptation of the body to a physical activity, an excellent and good level of general and special physical fitness at the beginning of the competitive season. Football players with an average standard of health showed tension in adaptive mechanisms, good and average indicators of physical fitness. At the end of the competitive season, football players with an average standard of health had a more pronounced tension in adaptive mechanisms, a decrease in functional fitness and speed endurance compared to baseline studies. Players with a high standard of health had a satisfactory adaptation, improved indicators of general and special physical fitness

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