For citation:
Sleptsova M. V., Sleptsova N. A. Physical education in E-learning. Physical Education and University Sport, 2022, vol. 1, iss. 2, pp. 189-198. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2022-1-2-189-198, EDN: CKQHCK
Physical education in E-learning
Forming the need for a healthy lifestyle, the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of physical culture and sports are an urgent pedagogical problem in the transition from the “classical” forms of organization of the educational process to E-learning. The solution of this problem by means of well-known programming languages is impossible due to the insufficient descriptive potential of the latter, in particular, the lack of the possibility of representing human knowledge, probable or possible future events, actions, results. The purpose of our research is to develop theoretical provisions and to verify in practice the possibilities of formalizing the presentation of the individual educational goal of the student and the conscious need for a healthy lifestyle as its basic component in declarative languages, as well as its implementation by means of the educational platform of the university. The researcher considers the possibility of describing the individual educational goal of a student, including a conscious need for a healthy lifestyle as its basic component, gaining knowledge, forming and developing skills in the field of physical culture and sports, as well as the possibility of building an individual educational trajectory of its achievements in the organization of E-learning at the university in the language of first-order predicate logic. A number of features of the predicate logic language that are essential for the problem under consideration are singled out. A pedagogical experiment was conducted on the basis of the educational platform of Voronezh State Pedagogical University. The study involved 158 students and undergraduates. The descriptions of individual educational goals of the student, formalized by the language of logic of predicates, suitable for implementation by means of computer technology are obtained, on the basis of which the optimal trajectory for achieving this goal is calculated for each participant. The practical implementation of the educational process was carried out, data on a conscious need for a healthy lifestyle, gaining knowledge, forming and developing skills in the field of physical culture and sports were obtained. The obtained results were compared with similar studies and a conclusion was made about the ways to improve the suggested approach to the formation of a conscious need for students to lead a healthy lifestyle, gain knowledge, form and develop their skills in the field of physical culture and sports in the context of the transition from “classical” forms of organization of the educational process to E-learning.
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