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Bobkov V. V. Features of the organization of the GTO festivals in universities of Moscow. Physical Education and University Sport, 2022, vol. 1, iss. 2, pp. 137-142. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2022-1-2-137-142, EDN: EFJHAV

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Features of the organization of the GTO festivals in universities of Moscow

Bobkov Vitaly V., Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

The relevance of this study is due to the high level of attention of the state policy in the field of physical culture and sports (PC&S), namely in the part of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (VFSK GTO). According to the development strategy of PC&S for the period up to 2030 (the program “Priority – 2030”), the VFSK GTO is given an increasingly significant role in improving the level of physical activity and fitness level of the population. The purpose of the study is to determine the scheme of cooperation between educational institutions of higher education and the Testing Centers of the GTO “Mosgorsport” of Moskomsport, the effectiveness of holding multi-day GTO Festivals at universities for students and teachers, the advisability of organizing academic and independent classes in physical culture in accordance with the types of VFSK GTO tests of the VI–X levels. The hypothesis of the study is that the organization by the university of its own GTO festivals, held by the departments of physical education in conjunction with the GTO Testing Centers “Mosgorsport” of Moskomsport, can significantly increase the number of students involved in the implementation of the GTO standards, and in addition, which is also important, leads to an increase in the number of badges GTO (students with various insignia of the VFSK GTO). The study examined official statistics, current regulatory and legal documents, as well as information from pedagogical research conducted among students of universities in Moscow. In the course of the analysis, key positions that determine the possibility of holding GTO Festivals in educational institutions of higher education were identified. The study involved an analysis of international experience in the development of university sports and the study of existing models. A feature of the study is the consideration of the issue of organizing and holding GTO Festivals in educational institutions of higher education, taking into account the peculiarities of organizing the educational process in the discipline of physical culture.

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