ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

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Vlasova T. N., Tsutsaeva M. V., Zub L. I., Kirillova I. A. Attitude to the problem of doping in the sports community. Physical Education and University Sport, 2023, vol. 2, iss. 3, pp. 215-220. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2023-2-3-215-220, EDN: XRFXIQ

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Attitude to the problem of doping in the sports community

Vlasova Tatyana N., Volgograd State Agrarian University
Tsutsaeva Maria V., Volgograd State Agrarian University
Zub Liliya I., Volgograd State Agrarian University
Kirillova Irina A., Volgograd State Physical Education Academy

The relevance of the study is related to the problem of the use of doping to improve athletic performance in sports and the issues of combating doping in the focus of modern public attention. The aim of the work was to study the awareness of athletes and the staff working with them in matters of doping and doping violations, as well as to identify the shortcomings of anti-doping educational work among various categories and groups of the population. 280 people took part in the study, including heads of institutions, organizations, representatives of regional executive authorities in the field of physical culture and sports, presidents of sports federations, instructors, methodologists, sports coaches, medical workers, teachers, students of universities and colleges. It is assumed that the main problem of insufficient anti-doping awareness can be solved in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions only by introducing mandatory anti-doping information and educational programs. The data obtained indicate the need for immediate intervention in the ongoing processes in the youth student environment. The package of measures should include anti-doping propaganda in sports educational institutions, organizing meetings with athletes disqualified for doping, conducting information and educational events on anti- doping topics, annual completion of advanced training courses by persons responsible for organizing work to prevent doping in sports, annual completion of a remote anti-doping program, conducting anti-doping propaganda among young people in the mass media of the region, on the official website of each sports organization of the region and on social networks.

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