For citation:
Pestrikov E. A. Theoretical and methodological foundations of research on the design of physical fitness and recreational technologies. Physical Education and University Sport, 2024, vol. 3, iss. 1, pp. 73-78. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2024-3-1-73-78, EDN: EIKHPG
Theoretical and methodological foundations of research on the design of physical fitness and recreational technologies
Health preservation and health promotion are among the most popular research topics in the modern world. Unfortunately, young people do not pay due attention to this issue, do not apply modern methods and ways to increase the body’s resistance to adverse factors, as well as do not use health-saving technologies in everyday life. The relevance of the study is determined by the requirements of theoretical and methodological approaches to research in various spheres of activity. However, despite the historical experience of human health promotion, from the epochs of the Ancient East to our time this problem is underdeveloped. According to the data of modern research, students entering universities have both deviations in health and low level of physical fitness. The paper characterizes the main methodological functions: normative and organizational, philosophical, ideological, epistemological, technological. The characteristic of methodological approaches to dosage of physical loads on the basis of fundamental knowledge about the laws of energy conservation is considered. Designing of physical fitness and health improving technologies is proposed to be carried out on the basis of building theoretical and empirical-logical approaches, where organically interrelated ideas, hypotheses, regularities, evidence and principles are considered.
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