ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

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Kolodkin A. S., Batukhtina A. O., Grutsyna I. I., Shikhova U. Y. The specifics of physical training of male students to pass the Ready for Labor and Defense Standard in the section “kettlebell jerk” in educational institutions of higher education. Physical Education and University Sport, 2024, vol. 3, iss. 3, pp. 281-287. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2024-3-3-281-287, EDN: SCCZGD

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The specifics of physical training of male students to pass the Ready for Labor and Defense Standard in the section “kettlebell jerk” in educational institutions of higher education

Kolodkin Alexey S., Vyatka State University
Batukhtina Anna O., Vyatka State University
Grutsyna Irina I., Vyatka State University
Shikhova Ulyana Yu., Vyatka State University

Physical fitness is an important component of the lives of students, especially men, and plays a key role in achieving academic success and beyond. Within the framework of higher educational institutions, special attention is paid to passing the Ready for Labor and Defense Standards, one of the main sections of which is the “kettlebell jerk”, which requires students to show strength, coordination and endurance. The analysis of the results of the conducted research on the preparation for the delivery of the Ready for Labor and Defense Standards complex “kettlebell jerk” is also presented. Male students of Vyatka State University took part in the study. They were divided into 2 groups: experimental and control. Both groups passed the Ready for Labor and Defense Standards “kettlebell jerk” complex, and then, for two months, the control group trained according to the rules of kettlebell lifting, and the experimental group trained the kettlebell jerk according to the rules of the army jerk. After that, the groups re-passed the same standard. The results obtained before and after the experiment were compared. In the course of the study, it was revealed that the kettlebell lifting specialists of the experimental group, who received a training complex based on the rules of the army kettlebell jerk, showed had higher indicators of hand strength and overall functional endurance in the competitive movement of the 16 kg kettlebell jerk compared with the group that performed exercises according to the rules of kettlebell lifting with one interception of the kettlebell when performing a jerk.

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