ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

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Kravchenko A. V., Bokareva E. V. Influence of jet lag on heart rate variability in 15–16 year old cheerleaders. Physical Education and University Sport, 2022, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 98-104. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2022-1-1-98-104, EDN: KUVNWY

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Influence of jet lag on heart rate variability in 15–16 year old cheerleaders

Kravchenko Andrey V., Cheerleading Federation of the South of Russia
Bokareva Elena V., Cheerleading Federation of the South of Russia

This study presents the results of studying the indicators of heart rate variability in athletes-cheerleaders before and after a flight to other climatic and geographical conditions. Research hypothesis: among female athletes engaged in cheerleading for a long time, the process of adaptation to new climatic and geographical conditions occurs faster, with lower costs for the body relative to novice cheerleaders, which is determined by the heart rate regulation system. The survey involved 37 female cheerleaders aged 15–16, one group of whom had experience in this sport for less than one year, and the second group – more than two years. The cardiogram was recorded on the ANKAR-131 cardioanalyzer in the dynamics of adaptation to new climatic and geographical conditions (on the 1st, 3rd, 7th and 14th days after the arrival). The results were compared with those recorded on the 3rd day prior to departure. According to the results obtained, more pronounced changes in the indicators of heart rate regulation during adaptation were observed in female athletes with less than one year experience in cheerleading. After arrival, there was an increase in the voltage index and the power of the high frequency component of the spectrum in both groups of athletes, but only by the 14th day after arrival, the cheerleaders with more than two years of experience were observed to normalize these indicators to the level observed before departure. A significant increase in the power indicators of the low- and ultra-low-frequency spectrum component after arrival was also established, which by the 7th day after arrival decreased to the initial level (three days before departure). Based on the results of the analysis of changes in the centralization index, it was concluded that even on the 14th day after arrival, signs of maladjustment remain, which are most pronounced in athletes with less than one year of sports experience in cheerleading.

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