ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

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Antsyperov V. V., Vlasova T. N., Kurierova G. I. Functional state and physical development of students as a fundamental factor of the success of learning at the higher education institution. Physical Education and University Sport, 2024, vol. 3, iss. 2, pp. 190-196. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2024-3-2-190-196, EDN: AFBQEL

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Functional state and physical development of students as a fundamental factor of the success of learning at the higher education institution

Antsyperov Vladimir V., Volgograd State Agrarian University
Vlasova Tatyana N., Volgograd State Agrarian University
Kurierova Galina I., Lyceum № 7 Municipal educational institution

Health and physical condition determine the success of students’ social self-development and professional selfrealization. The purpose of the study was to assess the health according to the physical development characteristics and functional condition of the first-year male students of Volgograd State University (n = 79). The results of measurements of students conducted under the guidance of a teacher and recorded in workbooks on physical education were analyzed. The data obtained were processed using mathematical statistics methods. Physical health indicators were test results that determine physical development and functional capabilities of students. High variability of indices evaluating physical development is shown, which indicates significant differences in the physical condition of first-year students. Participation of students in the self assessment of indicators of physical development and functional fitness caused a critical attitude to their health, which was reflected in the formation of a conscious need for physical education. At the same time, some students understand that low indicators are the result of insufficient physical activity of students. It is indicated that in this situation, the main role in reducing the factors of physical inactivity is assigned to compulsory physical education classes provided by the state program, which are more likely to be tasked with the increase of physical activity of students.

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