For citation:
Eremina E. A. Formulation of student sports clubs development strategy based on cluster analysis. Physical Education and University Sport, 2022, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 65-72. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2022-1-1-65-72, EDN: QEKQE
Formulation of student sports clubs development strategy based on cluster analysis
The development of student sports clubs is one of the key priorities in student sports, and in this direction an ambitious goal has been set to establish clubs in 100% of universities and colleges. To achieve this goal, a typical model of a student sports club was developed, however, at the current stage of development, not all clubs can apply it since they are characterized by a variety of organizational forms. To increase the effectiveness of the development of student sports clubs, it is necessary to improve approaches to strategic management, which would take into account differences of the level of clubs’ development. In this article, the author suggests recommendations for formulation of a student sports clubs development strategy based on cluster analysis. The results of the cluster analysis of student sports clubs revealed 5 clusters according to the level of development, and the belonging to a club in a certain cluster affects the determination of the potential stakeholders, the conduction of competitive analysis, the definition of strategic priorities, the development of functional strategies for student sports clubs. In this regard, the use of cluster analysis for the strategic management of student sports clubs is an effective tool, especially in the context of digitalization of management in student sports.
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