ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)


The specifics of physical training of male students to pass the Ready for Labor and Defense Standard in the section “kettlebell jerk” in educational institutions of higher education

Physical fitness is an important component of the lives of students, especially men, and plays a key role in achieving academic success and beyond. Within the framework of higher educational institutions, special attention is paid to passing the Ready for Labor and Defense Standards, one of the main sections of which is the “kettlebell jerk”, which requires students to show strength, coordination and endurance.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of research on the design of physical fitness and recreational technologies

Health preservation and health promotion are among the most popular research topics in the modern world. Unfortunately, young people do not pay due attention to this issue, do not apply modern methods and ways to increase the body’s resistance to adverse factors, as well as do not use health-saving technologies in everyday life. The relevance of the study is determined by the requirements of theoretical and methodological approaches to research in various spheres of activity.

On the health and motor activity of university students

The article is devoted to the analysis of objective and subjective factors affecting the health and motor activity of university students during their studies.