For citation:
Bolotova M. I., Ermakova M. A. Digital educational environment of the university as a means of promoting the values of physical culture. Physical Education and University Sport, 2022, vol. 1, iss. 1, pp. 80-88. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2022-1-1-80-88, EDN: ISCBQ
Digital educational environment of the university as a means of promoting the values of physical culture
In the context of the digitalization of society, there is a crisis in the values of physical culture; the fact of falling down in individual health potential is alarming. The purpose is to determine the influence of digital didactic resources on formation of the values of physical culture in the educational environment in the medical university. In modern conditions of digitalization of society the values of physical culture are becoming increasingly important as a system-forming factor of the nation’s health. The purpose of the research is to reveal the educational potential of digital technologies in promoting the values of physical culture in the educational environment of the university. The study involved 1569 young men and women of the first and second years of full-time education of the State Medical University of Orenburg. The survey method and the in-depth interview method in online mode were used to collect statistical data in a pandemic. As a result of the study, respondents developed basic digital skills in using various fitness applications for mobile devices, physical education and sports programmes, digital tools, smart wearable devices (MHealth gadgets) that allow monitoring students’ physiological indicators. There was an increase in the level of motor activity in online classes using educational platforms. There is a positive dynamics in the orientation of the student’s personality to health as a value. At the end of the experimental work, the respondents improved their digital skills in using various fitness applications for mobile devices, physical education and sports programmes, digital tools, smart wearable devices (MHealth gadgets) that allow monitoring the students’ physiological indicators. The systematic introduction of digital technologies in the teaching of disciplines (modules) in physical culture and sports and understanding of their educational potential contributed to the personification of the learning process; visualization of environments for the training process; enlargement of forms of physical culture and recreation activities; introduction of platform solutions as a space for pedagogical innovations.
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