ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

инклюзивное образование

Physical education of students in the framework of inclusive education

The article touches upon the issues of physical education in higher education within the framework of inclusive education. Its purpose is to describe the options for such organizational and substantive forms. Methods of generalization and systematization of practical experience, logical modeling are used. An algorithm for formation of an inclusive culture among medical students through volunteer activities with children with disabilities is given.

Strategy for the development of adaptive student sports of NRU “MEI”

The article highlights the innovative way of development of adaptive student sports at the NRU “MEI” in general, and motor rehabilitation of students of a special medical group, in particular. The proposed strategy is a unique realisable project being implemented, integrally combining a technological scientifically grounded approach to the problem under study, and the practical effective implementation of a multi-component motor rehabilitation model operating in its basic basis with an instrumental component of student sports.