For citation:
Akhmerova K. S., Timme E. A. Integration of the educational process and sports training at the university in the context of digital transformation. Physical Education and University Sport, 2023, vol. 2, iss. 3, pp. 263-267. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2023-2-3-263-267, EDN: BYBZBQ
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Integration of the educational process and sports training at the university in the context of digital transformation
Akhmerova Kadriya Sh., Federal Center for the Training of Sports Reserve
Timme Egor A., Federal Center for the Training of Sports Reserve
The problem of integration of the educational process and sports training of student-athletes in organizations of higher education and professional educational organizations is considered. Two ways of solving this problem are given: through the creation of digital services – a service for combining educational activities and sports training and a service for optimizing training activities and through the creation of sports training centers.
Key words:
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