ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

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Proshlyakov V. D., Ponomareva G. V., Kotova G. V., Levina E. A. About the work programs of basic and elective disciplines in physical education of students of higher education institutions. Physical Education and University Sport, 2024, vol. 3, iss. 3, pp. 243-248. DOI: 10.18500/2782-4594-2024-3-3-243-248, EDN: KARJMA

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About the work programs of basic and elective disciplines in physical education of students of higher education institutions

Proshlyakov Vladimir D., Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlov
Ponomareva Galina V., Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlov
Kotova Galina V., Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlov
Levina Elena A., Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlov

Analyzing many official documents of recent years, we can conclude that the reform of higher education is expected in our country. It is also necessary in the system of physical education of students, because over the years of study at university the physical condition of most students deteriorates, and rarely any students manages to form universal competence in self-assessment, self-organization and self-development. The authors of the article propose to get acquainted with the topics of theoretical issues that have been included in the work programs at the Department of Physical Education of the Ryazan State Medical University named after Academician I. P. Pavlov for more than 30 years. In their opinion, they allow students to assess their physical development, physical fitness level and study the impact of regular physical activity or a sedentary lifestyle on the main systems of a human body.

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