ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)

цифровые технологии

Trends and potential for the development of technological sports in student environment

The development of modern technologies leads to transformation of all the spheres of society, including sports. One of the key trends of recent years is emergence and fast spread of high-tech (innovative) sports, where digital technologies are embedded directly into the process of competition, such as phygital (combined functional and digital) sport, drone (unmanned aircraft) racing, sports programming and others. These sports are now bringing together people of different ages and interests.

Sports engineering: From training specialists to creating intelligent systems

The sports technology industry is currently experiencing rapid growth, driven by an increasing focus on fan engagement and satisfaction in stadiums, the desire to improve player and team performance, and the widespread adoption of eSports innovations. This, in turn, predetermined the emergence of a new field of knowledge – sports engineering, which bridges the gap between sports science and engineering developments.