ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)


Sports in Udmurt State Agrarian University (using the example of participation in various competitions from 1954 to 2024)

Udmurt State Agrarian University (UdGAU) is one of the modern specialized educational institutions in Russia. This university is an educational, scientific and sports center for training agricultural specialists. Since the establishment of the university, the Department of Physical Education has also been established, which employed few specialists invited from other cities of Russia. Enthusiastic teachers searched for talented student-athletes, and various sports events were held.

Analysis of the results of the All-Russian Summer Universiades from 2008 to 2022

The article provides an analysis of the results of the All-Russian Summer Universiades in the period from 2008 to 2022, taking into account the characteristics of the contingent of participants – athletes and coaches representing educational organizations of higher education. The list of sports that were organized in different years of the Universiade is presented. Educational organizations of higher education and regions that are more often among the winners and prizewinners of the All-Russian Summer Universiades are shown.

Special aspects of the beginning of competitive activity of adult amateur rhythmic gymnasts

The authors studied main peculiarities of rhythmic gymnastics for adult amateurs: the reasons of appearance, the age of athletes, types of organisations, offering rhythmic gymnastics classes for this population group, and peculiarities of competitions. Relevance of the research is explained by the following circumstances. Thanks to the development of amateur rhythmic gymnastics, indicators of the physical culture and sports development in the Russian Federation may improve.