ISSN 2782-4594 (Print)
ISSN 2782-4608 (Online)


The influence of flexibility on the formation of basic taekwondo techniques in children aged 10–12 years

In the practice of preparing athletes for high-level competitions, special physical training is of great importance, namely the application of a variety of means and methods that are used in practice by high-level athletes in training before the competition.

Biomechanical characteristics of walking in representatives of women’s soccer at the age of 18 to 25 years

The peculiarities of biomechanical parameters of walking of two groups of women were studied in a comparative analysis. The first group consisted of female soccer players of 18–25 years old, having the first sports category or the category of Candidate Master of Sports; the second group included people engaged in cyclic sports (skating, cross-country skiing). At the first stage we took measurements of the test subjects, which were then entered into a computer program.